Wednesday, June 19, 2013


When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord,
the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets,
and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with cymbals,
to praise the Lord according to the ordinance of David King of Israel.
And they sang responsively praising and giving thanks to the Lord:

"For He is good, For His mercy endures forever toward Israel."

Then all the people shouted with a great shout,
when they praised the Lord because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.
Ezra 3:10-11

The people of Israel always touch a place in my heart.
The more I read about them the more I see how similar we are.
They are so extreme. 
They are either head over heels in love with God or running the other direction.
Now, I can't say that specific extreme is what I relate to but the symbol of it-- yes.
I love how much joy filled them when they only had the foundation.
The foundation is extremely important but it's only the beginning.
Yet, here the Israelites are, rejoicing.
I can see them now, wearing their best clothing, playing their best song and singing as loud as they possible could.
I imagine that all of this doesn't feel like enough to them.
They want to shout louder, but can't so they give it everything they have.

I love how much God loves these people.
He continues to have so much mercy on them.
I can see the Lord now, feeling so much joy and love for them.
He never gives up on them. 
He sees them as these people, not the ones who reject Him.

This beautiful moment in history is recorded for us to just dwell on.
The love God must feel and the praise the isrealites bring are incredible.
Oh to be a fly on the wall in that time.
All for a foundation, the VERY beginning of their temple.

As I was going through this image it reminded me of how quickly we forget the importance of the beginning.
If we didn't have the beginning finished we couldn't continue.
I get so frustrated and discouraged at the beginning. 
I am always thinking of the next step. 
I am focusing on the end result.
I just want to see the end result.
It's really easy to do.
But, this beautiful scene reminds me that it's not about the end.
The Lord loves the foundation. 
The moment of rejoice and praise we offer to Him at the beginning.
He loves where we are right now.
If everyday is a new day isn't it the beginning everyday?
If the Lord wipes our slate clean everyday isn't it the beginning?
Shouldn't we choice to praise Him for the foundation being laid right now? 
The people He continually saved, restored and loved did.
They knew what the Father desired.
He wants the be the foundation. 
He wants to be praised at the beginning.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33

When we seek Him first the rest will be added.
When all we desire is the Lords heart, His kingdom; the foundation.
The walls will be added to us.
The finished product will come.

As the israelites continue on to finish the temple they face hindrance.
They got shut down and had to cease finishing the temple.
But, God is so faithful.
They praised Him at the beginning and He came later and granted favor.
Years later they tried to build the temple again and once again were reported to a king.
This time the king blessed them.
He paid all the expenses and gave them offerings to sacrifice.
Whatever they needed the king gave to them.
They sought the kingdom at the foundation and the walls were given.

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