Monday, June 17, 2013

Righteous love loves without conditions.

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, 
even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 
Galatians 5:14

Most of us know this famous commandment.
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
I know I learned it when I was a kid in Sunday school.
Yesterday while I was in church God spoke to me about it.
He said "Sarah, you can't truly love your neighbor until you love yourself."

I started to meditate on the famous commandment this morning "Love your neighbor as yourself."
When the Lord says to love your neighbor as yourself He doesn't mean arrogant love.
He doesn't say to love our neighbor because we love ourself.
It goes deeper.
He says to love our neighbor as ourselves because He knows we desire Him.
We need Him, our hearts long for Him.
More specifically we long for His value of us.
Until we have our value in Him we can't truly love our neighbor unconditionally. 
True love loves without conditions.
Without the eyes of the Father we love with conditions.
When we feel hurt, get offended or think of ourselves as worthless, we stop loving.
Then we walk in our hurt.
When we seek our worth and value in our Father we love ourselves the way He sees us.
Finding our worth in Him brings us to love ourselves with righteous love.
That righteous love brings us to love our neighbor, fulfilling the law.
This love is found in the eyes of our Father.

 Righteous love loves without conditions.

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