Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Turn your ear.

I love the Lord, for He heard my voice;
He heard my cry for mercy. 
Because He turned His ear to me,
 I will call on Him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2

Yes, I just brought this girl up in my blog. 
I can imagine all the thoughts that must run through your mind when you see her name.
I am sure very few of them are positive.
Today I just want to offer a little perspective.
If you do not know what I am talking about feel free to youtube it.

I didn't actually watch the VMA awards but, I saw everyone posting about it so I youtubed it.
My heart instantly broke.
All I saw was this princess crying for help.
I saw her crying for someone to turn to her and pick her up.
I saw her identity compromised and her self esteem at it's lowest.
This sweet princess has millions and millions of people around her and no one hears her cry.
She is just one example of many people who have this same cry.

I want you to stop envisioning a "disgusting" display of someone's body.
I want you to take a step back and look from the Lords heart.
Parents, stop telling your children that Miley Cyrus is not appropriate.
Though that may be true, she is crying out for help.
Telling your children she isn't appropriate could tell them "it's not okay to cry for help."
Teach them the Lord's heart.
Teach them that they can cry out for help and you will notice.
When we are at our absolute worst the Lord TURNS HIS EAR to you.
We all have our cry for help, whether it is an emotional breakdown, anger, revealing your heart in the way you dress, depression, ect. 
There are people all around us that are on a constant call just for someone to turn their ear.
Miley is just the latest example. 
Her cry was significantly more noticeable and received the opposite of what the Lord calls us to do.
Take a look around, people are hurting.
Who are we to judge someones cry?
Who are we to say that the cry the Lord TURNS HIS EAR to is "disgusting"?
It is time to take the Lord's heart to heart.
It's time to turn our ears to the cry of a princess.
Let love pour out of your lives.
There are plenty of princes and princesses around,  TURN YOUR EAR.

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