Monday, September 23, 2013

Foster Relationships

 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—
Ephesians 5:28-29

This verse could take the meaning to someones heart of how to treat your spouse, or just an example of Christ's love and how He treats the church. Today, I want to take it back to just people in general.
The Lord as been speaking to me about the word "Foster." What does that mean? The other day I was feeling upset, insecure and my worth started to drop. I felt like I didn't know anything about what I was doing and everyone around me did and they just went on. It was almost like a play, one small act is losing it because they can't remember their line but the mains are pursuing greatness on their own and forget about the small act. I was praying and praying "God, why do I feel this way? I know nothing! Why am I even here right now? There are other things I know I could be doing." I went on complaining and whining for another few minutes and when I quieted down and listened He said, "Foster" I piped up and asked more questions. "What does that mean? What are you saying?" He responded, "Sarah, foster relationships." I started to go through a list in my head to figure out the definition of foster. Foster care, foster parents, foster home.... What do they do?  They care for, raise up,  help children develop in who they are. I looked up the definition of foster and here it is:

to promote the growth or development ofto bring up (a child, etc);
 rearto cherish (a plan, hope, etc) in one's mindchiefly  ( Brit ) 
a. to place (a child) in the care of foster parents 
b. to bring up under fosterage — adj5.( in combination ) indicating relationship through fostering and notthrough birth: foster mother ; foster child6.( in combination ) of or involved in the rearing of a child bypersons other than his natural or adopted parents: foster home
I realized this is who we are called to be. Just as Christ does the church, we are called to nourish each other. We come along side one another and promote growth, help them develop who they are in the Father. We are called to cherish each other and raise up one another. Sometimes it is so hard to let someone take over where you are at because you don't think they are ready or you can't let go. But, if we foster someone and raise them up in their skills and promote their hearts the how much easier is it to let them take over and pursue the Father's heart. In all we do we should care about others hearts. It's so easy to pursue our own stuff and not even realize the person next to you is drowning. All it takes is one look to the left or right and grab hold of their hand. It's time to set a standard that brings an open door to fostering relationships. That standard brings a vulnerable heart and it might be uncomfortable because we might not know what to say to someone who is hurting but the Father does. All we have to do is love, encourage and promote growth. All we have to do is foster their heart. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ask me! Ask me!

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. 
Proverbs 23:7

This is such a short verse but has so much wisdom brewing with it.
I cannot tell you how many times I have placed my thoughts in the wrong place and my self worth went down the toilet.
Our value is so temperamental when it isn't in the Lord.
Our hearts have this giant roller coaster as we are "looking for ourselves".
Everyone is trying to find who they are and what their worth is and sometimes we look everywhere except the place where it is constant.
 This morning I want to tell you what I saw as I was going through my quiet time with the Lord.

I read Proverbs 23:7 and I felt the Lord draw me away.
I saw Jesus around all of these people seemingly invisible because everyone is looking for something else.
He is sitting there like an eager child just waiting to be found.
It reminded me of hide and seek.
Everyone is looking for their value and it's Him.
He is so excited He can barely sit still.
I hear Him saying "Ask Me! Ask Me what I think of you! Ask Me who you are!"
At last someone finds Him, He is so excited!
He places the most beautiful robe on them and a crown of gold.
He draws them near, "Royalty that is what you are. You are worthy. You are beautiful. I believe in you. I placed dreams in your heart, pursue them. I love YOU."
Their value has been found, it is in the Lord.
That value never fails because it is the Lord.
The Lord never fails because He is love.

1 Corinthians 13:8

If you are tired of the ups and downs and just want something constant. 
I challenge you today to turn around and let the Lord speak your value into your heart.
You are royalty, your inheritance is there just waiting to be found.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Turn your ear.

I love the Lord, for He heard my voice;
He heard my cry for mercy. 
Because He turned His ear to me,
 I will call on Him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2

Yes, I just brought this girl up in my blog. 
I can imagine all the thoughts that must run through your mind when you see her name.
I am sure very few of them are positive.
Today I just want to offer a little perspective.
If you do not know what I am talking about feel free to youtube it.

I didn't actually watch the VMA awards but, I saw everyone posting about it so I youtubed it.
My heart instantly broke.
All I saw was this princess crying for help.
I saw her crying for someone to turn to her and pick her up.
I saw her identity compromised and her self esteem at it's lowest.
This sweet princess has millions and millions of people around her and no one hears her cry.
She is just one example of many people who have this same cry.

I want you to stop envisioning a "disgusting" display of someone's body.
I want you to take a step back and look from the Lords heart.
Parents, stop telling your children that Miley Cyrus is not appropriate.
Though that may be true, she is crying out for help.
Telling your children she isn't appropriate could tell them "it's not okay to cry for help."
Teach them the Lord's heart.
Teach them that they can cry out for help and you will notice.
When we are at our absolute worst the Lord TURNS HIS EAR to you.
We all have our cry for help, whether it is an emotional breakdown, anger, revealing your heart in the way you dress, depression, ect. 
There are people all around us that are on a constant call just for someone to turn their ear.
Miley is just the latest example. 
Her cry was significantly more noticeable and received the opposite of what the Lord calls us to do.
Take a look around, people are hurting.
Who are we to judge someones cry?
Who are we to say that the cry the Lord TURNS HIS EAR to is "disgusting"?
It is time to take the Lord's heart to heart.
It's time to turn our ears to the cry of a princess.
Let love pour out of your lives.
There are plenty of princes and princesses around,  TURN YOUR EAR.